Fast Track Research Impact Workshop

Published 26 Jun 2019, 9:44 am, by Narelle Jones

When: Wednesday 14th August 2019, 09.30-15.00

Where: Murdoch College Lecture Theatre

Register via Eventbrite

The program will give you everything you need to generate real-world impacts from your research. You will leave with practical tools you can use immediately in your research, whatever your discipline and career stage. The training is based on the latest research evidence and takes a unique relational approach to deliver wide-reaching and lasting impacts. In the afternoon, you will learn more about writing impact case studies for engagement and impact and creating an impact culture that motivates and supports colleagues to generate impact.

Key benefits:

•Learn about evidence-based principles for delivering research impact when you don’t have much time

•Discover easy and quick-to-use templates you can use immediately to:

Prioritise stakeholders and public to engage with first

Create a powerful impact plan that will guarantee your research makes a difference without wasting your time

•Learn how to write more competitive impact sections in grant proposals, including forward-looking impact plans and constructing an evidence-based impact track record

Design and facilitate meetings and workshops with stakeholders and publics: discover tools that will empower you to deal with the most challenging situations and individuals and lead events that everyone enjoys

Make your digital footprint work for you, to build visibility and credibility for your research online. Understand the power and the pitfalls of using social media professionally, and find out how to become influential and drive research impacts in this space (suitable for experts, novices and those who have never used social media professionally)

Learn how to get your research into policy, wherever you work in the world, by building trust, working with intermediaries and designing effective policy briefs

About the trainer

Prof Mark Reed is a recognized international expert in impact research with >150 publications that have been cited >15,000 times. He holds a Research England & N8 funded Chair at Newcastle University, is research lead for an international charity, and has won awards for the impact of his research.



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