National Volunteer Week: Volunteering can be a rewarding experience
Get to know a member of the ECU Vol Squad
Name: Chrystina
Studying: Master of Human Resources
“Volunteering at ECU is lovely, as it has given me the opportunity to further my community involvement and meet wonderful people. I love volunteering because I firmly believe in helping others and transforming all our environments better than we find them.
"Since arriving at ECU, I’ve been able to form strong relationships with those running the programs, other passionate volunteers, and the stakeholders we attempt to assist. As an international post-grad student, volunteering has allowed me to partake in the beautiful social aspect of ECU.
"I love seeing the smiles that volunteering brings to everyone’s face, including mine! Volunteering at just one event provides great opportunities to connect with others, further personal improvement, and form future possibilities.”
You can become member of the ECU Vol Squad by signing up through our VolunteerHub. You’ll receive updates on upcoming volunteer opportunities and get the latest copies of our Vol Squad newsletter.
Talk to the Careers and Employability team
Students and recent graduates of ECU can take advantage of the University's Careers and Employability Team who run regular workshops and drop-in session to help people with their job seeking skills. You can also make an appointment to consult one of the team about your job seeking strategies.