Welcome to Edith Cowan University VolunteerHub

Welcome to the many local, national and global volunteering opportunities that you will discover on Edith Cowan University VolunteerHub. Being a volunteer is a great way to contribute to your local community, and can help you to become more employable by improving your skills and knowledge. All graduate employers view community involvement very positively.

Please check with your prospective volunteer organisation that you are covered by their insurance policies. ECU insurance policies may not apply for these placements. Further information can be found here: http://intranet.ecu.edu.au/staff/centres/risk-and-assurance-services/insurance

If you need more information about Volunteering Programs please contact the Careers and Employability Team on careers@ecu.edu.au or 6304 5899.

Emergency Support Volunteering

Published 23 Mar 2020, 1:35 pm, by Lydia Gibson

Volunteering in an emergency

In times of crisis, Western Australians love to help.

Volunteering can provide crucial support to people in the community who are impacted by an emergency. That’s why Volunteering WA are calling on all people who can lend a hand to register their details to become a volunteer. 

How you can help

  • Welfare checks
  • Urgent household maintenance
  • Delivering supplies
  • Pick-up and drop-off of medications/groceries
  • Essential transportation

Support people impacted by COVID-19

Submit your details to the Volunteering WA emergency support volunteer list 

Aurous Plus Chat Program

Published 23 Mar 2020, 1:33 pm, by Lydia Gibson

COVID-19 means many seniors are now in lock-down in their aged care facility or needing to isolate in their homes as a precautionary measure.

This may contribute to heightened anxiety and feelings of loneliness in the elderly community all around Australia and Aurous has committed to fighting for the cause.

The Aurous Plus Chat service is a digital initiative of Aurous, where isolated elderly people are given call-ready computer tablets and participate in a weekly video call with a volunteer “video visitor”. That visitor could be you.

Apply today to be a Aurous Volunteer

Neighbour to Neighhour

Published 23 Mar 2020, 1:33 pm, by Lydia Gibson

Neighbour to Neighbour are providing assistance to members of the community facing unprecedented challenges and increasing isolation due to COVID-19.

The Neighbour to Neighbour project aims to support communities at high risk of being impacted by the threats of COVID-19, including seniors, people with a disability, people from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds and Indigenous people.

Through the Neighbour to Neighbour initiative, we can all look out for each other and show a little kindness.

Please fill out this short online form to register as a volunteer.

Online Volunteering with Vollie

Published 23 Mar 2020, 1:32 pm, by Lydia Gibson

Vollie is an online marketplace that connects skilled people to non-profits and charities for skills-based online volunteering.

Vollie projects are exclusively online, meaning that people can donate their skills and experience from anywhere in the world, and around their busy personal and professional schedule.

Sign up today to start making change in a safe and accessible way.

Warrior Mail

Published 23 Mar 2020, 1:32 pm, by Lydia Gibson

Children who spend a lot of time in hospital struggle with isolation and loneliness, missing large amounts of school, sports and leisure activities. Their siblings often also feel lonely and forgotten, as all the attention focuses on the child who is fighting.

Every month, Warrior Mail features a local Perth child who is doing it tough in their fight with a serious illness or disability, or one of their siblings. Warrior Mail share their stories of bravery and hope, and encourage volunteers to send cards or letters bearing messages of support, strength and love to lift their spirits.

Join the Warrior Volunteer Network and send a smile to child today!